FPS Grapevine Materials and Prices Effective April 1, 2023
Unrooted, Ungrafted Dormant Grape MaterialCuttings: Cuttings can be rooted directly in the field or greenhouse or used for chip budding onto already established rootstock or for bench grafting. Approximately 5 buds per stick. Length is 16"-18". Graftsticks: Graftsticks are typically used for top working established vines by cleft grafting or side whip grafting. Both cuts are flat and at the internode (approximately 5 buds per stick). Length is 16"-18". Sizes
Grape Seed & Flower ClustersGrape seed, cleaned & dried: ordering deadline March 15th, $100.00 / quarter pound.
Flower clusters: ordering deadline March 1st: $10.00 each.
Grape User FeesCustomers purchasing grapevine material from FPS are required to sign the "FPS Grower Agreement". This includes an agreement to pay annual user fees of eight cents ($.08) for each propagative unit sold, exchanged or retained for your own use during the preceding calendar year. |
Grape Order Information
As of March 1, 2024, Foundation Plant Services will only accept orders through the new online customer portal. Instructions on the portal and getting started. Dormant Material Deadline
Order by November 15th for priority allocation of available stock.
Orders placed after November 15th will be eligible for remaining material.
Orders Shipped to Oregon:
Dormant grape material will be available mid-February through March.
States Requiring Treatment
Additional cost to deliver to these states: Arizona, Oregon, Washington
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Important Terms of Order - Please Read
Material Allocation Policy
FPS plant materials are allocated among all orders received and confirmed before deadlines described above each year. Orders are considered confirmed upon receipt of an original signed order form. In the event requests for materials exceed the available supply, materials are allocated according to an established priority system prioritizing CDFA Registered and Certified Nurseries. Any remaining materials are sold on a first-come, first-served basis to customers submitting orders after the deadline.
Prices & Minimum Order Charge
There is a minimum order charge of $150.00 per order for plant material, excluding commericial nurseries with a Blanket Agreement in place. Minimum quantity requirement of 5 identical items requested for each selection, except in the case of strawberries. The price will be calculated according to the number of identical units ordered. Commercial nurseries are encouraged to open a Blanket Agreement.
Order Pickup/Shipping and Packing & Handling Charges
All orders are shipped F.O.B. Davis, California. Buyer agrees to pay all costs of transportation and assumes all risk of loss during shipment. No shipping or packing & handling fees are charged for orders picked up at the FPS facility; FPS asks that all orders for plant material be picked up within 30 days of notification that they are ready for pickup. FPS reserves the right to assess customers for storage of materials not picked up after 30 days.
For all orders that are shipped to customers, shipping and handling fees will be added to the order. These fees range from 10%-25% depending upon the crop.
Additional Phytosanitary Certificate, Testing, and Treatment Requirements
For out of state shipments, customers will be charged at actual cost for any required phytosanitary certificates ($65.30) and additional testing. Where pesticide or hot water treatment is required, customers will be charged a fee of $200.00. Customers will be charged at actual cost for any required quarantine compliance certificates. They will also be charged for any additional diagnostic testing required beyond normal FPS protocols.
Policy on Cancellations and Changes to Orders
Because FPS materials are custom collected and prepared for each customer, cancellations are not accepted once material has been collected. Additions to orders will receive allocation priority according to the date they were added. FPS reserves the right to bill for materials that are cancelled once they have been collected or prepared.