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Grape Variety: Colombard

Variety Name Colombard
TTB Approved Name(s) Colombard (French Colombard)
Common Synonyms French Colombard
All Synonyms Barbero, Blanc Emery, Blanquette, Bon blanc, Chabrier vert, Colombar, Coulombier, Donne Rousse, Donne vert, French Colombard, French Columbard, Gros blanc roux, Guenille, Martin Cot, Mellenc, Mouilla, Pied Tendre, Psalmodi blanc, Quene Tendre, Quene vert, Queue Tendre, Queue verte, Saint-Pierre, West's White Prolific, Winkler
Countries of Origin France
Species Vitis vinifera
Pedigree Gouais blanc x Chenin blanc
Berry Color White
Uses Table,Wine

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Colombard Selections

Information about:          Selection Numbers     |     Registration Status
  Colombard 01
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Weil Vineyard near Santa Rosa, California
Treatments None , Tissue Culture Excision
Comments This selection came to Foundation Plant Services in the early 1960's from the Weil Vineyard near Santa Rosa, California. The original material underwent index testing and was planted in the old foundation vineyard in 1966 as French Colombard 01. The name of the selection at FPS was changed from French Colombard 01 to Colombard 01 in 2003 because Columbard is more recognizable internationally and is the TTB-approved prime name. In 2011, Colombard 01 underwent microshoot tip tissue culture therapy to qualify for planting in the Russell Ranch Foundation Vineyard. The treated material successfully completed testing in 2013 and will be planted at Russell Ranch as Colombard 01.1.

  Colombard 03
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Botany Department, UC Davis
Treatments None , Tissue Culture Excision
Comments The FPS name was changed from French Colombard 03 in 2003 because Columbard is more recognizable internationally and is the TTB-approved prime name.

  Colombard 04
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source French Colombard FPS 02, from Nyland nursery, California, in 2004
Treatments None
Comments This selection was formerly known at Foundation Plant Services as French Colombard FPS 02 (group 1002).

  Colombard 05
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Vineyard in Santa Clara County, California (Almaden)
Treatments Heat treatment 317 days
Comments The name of this selection was changed in 2007 from French Colombard FPS 05 to Colombard FPS 05.

  Colombard 551 (proprietary) Top
Registration Status Registered Registered is the ultimate status in the California Department of Food & Agricultures Grapevine Registration & Certification Program. Registered selections have successfully completed all disease testing required by the regulations. Registered selections have also been confirmed as true to variety by experts using visual observations, DNA-based testing or both.
Source Colombard ENTAV-INRA® 551
Treatments None
Proprietary Proprietary- cannot be distributed without written permission from owner: ENTAV International
Patented / Proprietary Proprietary
Comments This selection was imported to the United States in 2005 from France by ENTAV-INRA, which manages the trademarked French clonal material. The selection is official French clone 551, which originated from Gers. Colombard ENTAV-INRA® 551 qualified for the FPS Classic Foundation Vineyard in 2007.